Sharing a Whiteboard in Collaborate
To share content in Collaborate you should have already inserted the tool link in the content area and created a session. Once you have done that you can join a session. In the session, you can share content.
Opening a Blank Whiteboard
- Click on the purple tab at the bottom right of the session screen to open the “Collaborate Menu.”
- At the bottom of the Collaborate Menu, click the third icon from the left to open the Share Content page.
- Click Share Blank Whiteboard.
- You should not have a blank whiteboard that is visible to all of the participants in the session.
Features of the Whiteboard
- There is a row of icons at the top of the page that allows you to do various things with the whiteboard. The first icon on the left allows you to Select things. The second icon is the Pointer tool which allows you to point to objects with a finger tool. The third icon is a Pencil which allows you to draw on the whiteboard. The fourth icon is the Shape tool which allows you to select a shape (rectangle, ellipse, or line) to insert on the whiteboard. The fifth icon is the Text tool which allows you to type on the screen. The sixth icon is a Clear tool which clears the entire screen.
- Note: a color selection icon appears to the left of the Clear icon when you click the Pencil icon, the Shape icon, or the Text icon which allows you to change the color when inserting these features
Viewing the Whiteboard Controls and Stopping the Whiteboard Sharing
- To view the Whiteboard controls click the second icon down from the top left of the page. It looks like a page with a magnifying glass.
- The four controls are the Zoom In and Zoom out icons, the “Fit Screen” icon, and the “actual size” icon. These allow you to adjust the way that the whiteboard appears to users.
- To stop sharing the whiteboard, click the button next to “Share Blank Whiteboard” in the Collaborate Menu.