479-575-HELP (4357) bbhelp@uark.edu

The ProctorU online authentication service allows you to verify your identity to create your digital student identity. This process is only necessary if you are an off-campus student who is unable to come to campus to get a student ID card or if you are an off-campus student in need of a Nursing badge.

If you do not already have a ProctorU account, you will first need to set up your account.

Cost of Student ID

For a University Student ID, students will be charged $5 by Proctor U.  Additionally, students will go to University of Arkansas | CASHNet and choose the “Online ID Card” option to pay the $25 to make and ship the ID.

Cost of Nursing Badge

For a University Student ID, students will be charged $5 by Proctor U.  Additionally, students will go to University of Arkansas | CASHNet to pay the $10 to make the Badge and ship it.

NOTE:  Your ID card will be mailed to your home address listed in UAConnect.  Send questions to idcard@uark.edu.  Online students with ID cards cannot access the HPER (the U of A on-campus gym) or athletic tickets because online students are not charged the corresponding fees. You may visit the Pat Walker Health Center and pay the fee at the time of your visit.

Create your Authentication Appointment

  1. Click on Schedule New Session.
  2. Click on the drop-down for Term and select Authentication – Card Office.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be very careful to choose “Authentication-Card Office” here and NOT “Self-Paced Online Courses” even if you are taking an online course.
  3. For Exam, select Authentication – Card Office.
  4. Click Find Exams.
    Click Find Sessions
  5. Choose an Appointment. Use the Calendar and Time selection to search for an appointment that best suits your schedule. Be sure to verify the time zone and AM/PM upon selecting your appointment.
    See ProctorU’s help Article “How do I schedule my exam?” for additional assistance.
  6. Review the Exam Name and Confirm the Date/Time of the appointment, then click Proceed to Cart.
  7. Review your cart. Once you are ready click Proceed to Payment. Items will remain in your cart for 30 minutes before expiring.
  8. Enter your payment information and click Pay Now to complete your reservation and schedule your appointment.

Your exam will appear on your homepage under Active Exams. To view your exam rules, permitted resources, and accommodations, click on the “Check your exam rules” option.

Authentication Appointment

Well in advance of your appointment, you will want to install the Guardian Browser, Proctor U’s custom browser, and its accompanying chat application.

  1. Go to go.proctoru.com
  2. At the time of your appointment, select Start Session.
  3. If you haven’t already downloaded the Chrome or Firefox extension, do so now by clicking “here” in the prompt.
    Click Here
  4. You will be presented with the ProctorU pre-checks. In this step, you can review what to expect, allowed resources, and accommodations. When ready, click Get Started.
  5. Download the Support-LogMeInRescue application and follow the prompted instructions.

    Double click to open and run the file. This will allow you to connect to a proctor.
  6. Select your preferred devices for camera and microphone. Your entire screen will also be shared following this step. When done, click Begin Recording.
  7. Review any resources that are permitted for your exam. When done, click Next.
  8. Review any accommodations you may have (please inform your instructor about these at least a few weeks in advance prior to testing). When done, click Next.
  9. Take your picture by aligning your face within the outline and click Take Photo.

    Click Next once done.
  10. Present your government-issued identification in front of the camera and click Take Photo.
    Next once done.
  11. Watch a quick video tutorial of how to complete the guided room scan. You will need to take a photo of your testing environment. You do not need to wait for a proctor to complete this step. When ready, click Launch Guided Room Scan.
  12. Complete the room scan by taking six photos of your workspace, four walls, and computer. You may scan again if any photos are blurry. The proctor may also ask you to show an area again if a photo is unclear. When done, click My Space is Secure.
  13. At this time, you have completed the pre-checks and should wait for further instructions from the proctor via the chat box.