Taking Exams or Quizzes Online
There are helpful hints to prepare for taking a quiz or exam in Blackboard as well as information on what to do and what not to do while taking exams and quizzes in Blackboard.
There are helpful hints to prepare for taking a quiz or exam in Blackboard as well as information on what to do and what not to do while taking exams and quizzes in Blackboard.
If you can’t log into Blackboard Learn, and you know you’re using the correct password then your UARK password could be expired.
Just can’t figure out how to upload your assignment to Blackboard? Read on to learn how to upload a file or use the text box to submit an assignment through Blackboard.
Not sure how to post or reply to a discussion on a Discussion Forum in Blackboard? It is easy! Read on for directions on how to read, post, and reply to threads in a Discussion Forum on Blackboard as well as how to view your graded posts.
You can view rubrics attached to any assignment through the My Grades tool in your course! Instructors who use the rubric to grade will frequently leave feedback within the rubric. Here’s how you can view it!