by Chelsea Doty | Feb 21, 2025 | Quiz, Respondus
At times there are errors that we see with Respondus Lockdown Browser, despite the fact that it seems that we’re following all the instructions to the letter. Here are some helpful troubleshooting steps to check for when things go wrong!
by Abi Moser | Oct 10, 2023 | Assignments, Blackboard, Blackboard Collaborate, Echo360, Grades, Kaltura, LinkedIn Learning, Original, ProctorU, Quiz, Respondus, Textbook, Ultra
Please make sure that you are using a supported web browser and version. If you are using the Blackboard Learn app, make sure to ‘Allow Cross-Website Tracking’ in your app settings to ensure you can view all your course materials. If using an Apple/iOS...
by Abi Moser | Jun 16, 2022 | Quiz, Respondus
Respondus LockDown Browser has settings that allow both iPad and Chromebook users to take LockDown Browser and Monitor exams! This article will walk you through downloading LockDown for your iPad or Chromebook.
by Kathryn Zawisza | Mar 22, 2021 | Quiz, Respondus
When taking a test in a remote or online testing environment you may be asked to conduct an environmental scan. Environmental scans should provide clear video footage of the entire workspace in which you are taking your exam to ensure that the testing environment is...
by Lesley Speller | Mar 21, 2021 | Respondus
The Respondus Lockdown Browser with Monitor allows your instructor to see you while you’re taking the exam to ensure academic integrity. These instructions will tell you how to get started using Respondus Lockdown Browser with Monitor.
by Abi Moser | Dec 21, 2020 | Quiz, Respondus
Before taking an online exam that requires Respondus LockDown Browser, you must install the LockDown Browser application. You will use this browser in place of your regular browser to access the exam!